Welcome to The Mindful Heart

Welcome to The Mindful Heart

I didn’t plan it this way . . .But, it started taking on a life of its own. 

It all started when my kids and I joined a Thomas Jefferson Education (TJEd) co-op group. In all honesty, I had no plans of following the TJEd philosophy in my homeschool. We were there purely for the social experience. 


Little did I know the Lord was preparing my heart. We spent several years with that group, and the people I met in that group, the methods they shared, and the principles I learned ended up being life changing. TJEd ended up only being just a part of the experience. When that group ended, I left as a better person. 

One of the philosophies that a dear friend there shared with me is The Well Educated Heart philosophy of home education (a heart-based approach to education). This philosophy focuses on first nurturing and educating the heart through the use of art, music, good literature, and nature. In doing this, the child’s heart develops a love of learning, and future learning becomes a love and a lifestyle, not a chore. 

This beautiful philosophy began to take root in my heart. 

I have always loved education. I have studied many philosophies, implemented a lot of approaches (both as a public school educator and as a mother), used plenty of different curriculums, and adapted to teach all learning styles. But, my heart was not fully at home until I added a heart-based approach to the other methods and philosophies that I so fully believed in.


So, what happens when you take a 

big serving of The Well Educated Heart philosophy,

a nice helping of the Thomas Jefferson Education approach, 

a scoop of the Charlotte Mason method, 

a sprinkling of the Unit Studies approach,

a touch of the Montessori method,

and an emphasis on teaching the whole child?

You have The Mindful Heart.

So, welcome! Come and stay awhile. Make yourself comfortable. We would love to share this journey with you as we learn how to more fully cultivate the heart, mind, body, and spirit through a heart-based approach to home education.


*Watch for future information about how to implement this approach in your home, materials that will be helpful in doing so, and for many more wonderful things to come!

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  • The Mindful Heart