A Family-Centered Atmosphere

A Family-Centered Atmosphere

“A family-centered, mixed-age atmosphere can enrich the learning experience for all those involved and foster wonderful relationships.”

I took my twelve-year-old son to an orthodontist for a consultation the other day. In an effort to be friendly and personable, the woman recording my son’s  medical information asked him what he liked to do in his free time. I imagine she expected him to say something like “sports” or “video games.” I thought he would respond with “playing with LEGOs” or “running around outside.” He surprised us both, though. He said, “I like to play with my younger siblings,” gesturing toward his four-year-old sister and two-year-old brother, who had come to the appointment with us. His response melted my heart.

One of the many benefits of homeschooling is being able to spend ample time with family. And for children with siblings, there’s the additional benefit of a multiage learning environment. A family-centered, mixed-age atmosphere can enrich the learning experience for all those involved and foster wonderful relationships. While I don’t think my older son thinks of his youngest siblings as peers yet, he is obviously interested in them and has learned to value them. That esteem is extremely precious and worth nurturing.

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